Getting too big for your bridges?
You’ve got a great network and a marketable product, but with so much parity on the internet, you’re looking for ways to be more: Something that will put you head and shoulders above your competition. With innovative and industry-leading advantages. And concrete, provable performance-based results. Tangibles you can offer your existing and potential customers while also giving your network an exponential boost. Not so easy, right?
Very easy, actually. Because we’ve done all the brainwork, system designing and country-wide installations to deliver the goods, and it’s all yours with a flip of the switch. Unheard of? More like Uncommon Net.
Uncommon Net has created a nationwide, high-speed, high-security network with technology that makes it wholly unique for the internet. And the best part is that we are often sited in the same data centers you are, maybe even right beside you. A phone call, a little paperwork, and it’ll be like we dropped a stealth jet into your network. So now you can offer transmission speeds of twenty milliseconds to ninety-five percent of the American population. Yes, 95% at 20 milliseconds. Unbelievable? Again, more like Uncommon Net.
We understand IP transit is a very big deal. That’s why we are in the same places you are. With our close- by connections, you’ll see more capacity and quicker delivery through smart-routing and choice peering. More on that in our advantages section-- just know that transit gets a whole lot better with Uncommon Net.
Now that you’ve realized we are not a quick- fix add on to get you by, what we offer is an entirely new way to enhance your network product and operations, and it couldn’t be easier. From your user’s nexus and back again, you can guarantee that your transmissions will be completely secure. Total encryption will protect your privacy. Everything traveling through its own channel, and nothing can touch it. It’s so private, we won’t even know.
Here’s our toll-free line, 1.800.910.9000. Why not call us today and find out more? With Uncommon Net, you have a surefire opportunity to show your people why you make the big bucks. Or why you should.
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