


Why us? Because you...

...have real transit needs, and routing concerns. Because you have customers who require unbreachable security and utmost privacy. Because you aren’t getting all this in your current network. Because you want to keep your information your information and your customers your customers.

Uncommon Net was created for the specific purpose of equipping your network with nationwide, high-speed, high-security, private net applications. If you think your current system is fine, then really think about how sensitive your data is. If you think your customer base doesn’t require this level of service, then part of your customer base may have already moved on. With us, it’s all underneath one roof and everywhere you are: better transit, faster speed, fortress-level security and privacy.

That’s what puts us in the win column. You bridge with us, in the same data centers, and bam! Closer connectivity that is locally positioned. Capacity for IP transit increased. Minimized hops and optimized peering combinations.

If you have bigger needs like a managed dedicated server of your own, it’s right there as well. How about your own Uncommon Net server with redundant data backup stored in multiple safe sites, so you are never ever down? With data centers in key hubs around the United States, we’re shaking things up with bandwidth, stability, security, and scaling that is rarely seen in this industry. You’ll see that comparing us to your common connection isn’t really a fair fight. But in this game, winning is the intention, and how we play is why we come out on top.

Along with security and privacy, IP transit is a major concern for businesses doing business online. This very important aspect of network superiority is measured in milliseconds. Faster than a blink of an eye, these ethereal fractions add up to very discernable markers of performance. Take a look at how we meet or exceed current internet standards, then compare us to see how we’ve covered all the bases, making it easier and affordable too.

From our industry-best service level agreements (SLA’s) to our network management and customer support, you’re gonna get more for bang for your buck here than anywhere else. But most importantly, and we can’t emphasize this enough, your cyber realm is protected at the highest level of internet security. That’s a huge feat and not easy to come by. Your confidentiality and privacy are our top priority at Uncommon Net.

Whether you are an IT expert, have an IT department, or think you need one or the other, we’ve reduced all of the effort it usually takes to meet the requirements of your business down to one insanely easy step: a phone call. A painless conversation about your needs and requirements will happen, followed by a couple of decisions to make. We’ll get you connected using plain speak, with a minimum of effort, and configure your network to your exact needs. And any time you want to expand or alter your capabilities it will be just as easy. You see, we’ve created a system so easy to administer and operate that once it’s in place that’s it. We take care of it for you. We monitor your network’s performance and architecture, and ensure your security and utmost privacy while you get on with more important things.

Imagine being able to devote yourself to your business instead of your communications network. And the less time devoted to said beast, the more time you’ll gain for doing the things you like to do off-hours in your personal time, without interruption. Without 3:00 A.M. “network down” calls to your home.

Cyberspace can be a cold, uncharted place. Faceless and impersonal, it’s easy to be intimidated or turned off by its intangible nature. But that’s our backyard. Like a Sherpa taking your hand, we’ll guide you briskly along the safest path, all the perils neatly avoided. From your first contact with us to any subsequent calls you might make, you’ll be speaking with a live Uncommon Net agent, not leaving a message for a return call. Our people are our network. Like an off-site partner with on-site abilities, we’ll take care of you 24/7/365, quickly and in plain English. Unless you want to practice your geek-speak. We can do that too.

A lot of network providers take great pains to impress you with their magnitude, as if bigger equals better. But it’s the little things that count. We are multi-sited in metro data centers just like the goliaths out there, but we’re working smarter, faster, and closer with you. Our overhead is lower, so the sky is the limit. You can grow at your own pace, paying for and utilizing only what you need of our network. It’s your own personal hat size, not one size fits all.

